Geepers!’s "Fine Line”: A Groovy and Thought-Provoking Indie-Pop Anthem

In a pop-ballad-dance hybrid, Geepers! is an indie-pop artist from Long Beach with a unique perspective; it's the latest single from him, Fine Line. With an upbeat yet sensitive vibe, “Fine Line” provides an exciting look at what it means to make hard choices and seek authenticity in life.

“Fine Line” pulls the listener into its infectious groove and bright instrumentation, all for that unique indie-pop impact. Featured on his upcoming album, Snoozin’, “Fine Line” navigates through the dance of choices life keeps throwing his way. Geepers! (aka Edison Roberts) draws on his own experiences of deciding between the “fine lines” that end up dictating his future. 

The weird juxtaposition here pulls you in, thanks to its bubbling, slappin’ funk bass lines, bubbly synths, and pulsating beat smothered over the enormous sounds that echo somewhere between the ‘70s and today’s indie production. It is hypnotic when you talk about the song, moving you into the groove, while the words do all the reflecting; it does act as a balancing act between a fun shimmy and a deep feeling. 

By being a self-produced artist, Geepers! is showing real qualities by authoring, producing, and mixing everything on his own. The voicing was jam-packed once again with paternal touch and authenticity by none other than his father, Garrison Benjamin Roberts. What sets apart Geepers! is more of his hands-on approach in creating music, allowing his style to stand out as unique, unabashed, and exceedingly personal. The must-have listen for everyone feels, moves, and thinks the Magic of Geepers!

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