VGmates' "In Black and White" Album: An eerie aural tribute to resilience and war

Backed by the viscous deepness of emotion comes the Australian-based band VGmates with their album "In Black and White." The six-track evocation conveys a deep musical and political answer to the unpolished, unyielding bleakness of three years of war in Ukraine. This album embodies the human struggle through pain and resilience in a visceral quality clarified when hope and despair collide while cut to the bone.

The album starts with "Black and White World," which creates an ominous and urgent atmosphere, integrating alternative rock with delicate electronic strains and live instrumentation. It feels like an Irish tin whistle dodging melody from jovial tribes, immersed in duduk under soft atmospheric instrumentation. The testimony to this musical creation is apparently "Darkness," beautified by lively orchestration against heavier composition.

Songs like "Pet the Cat" bite with satire, calling out indifference toward human suffering. "Irreversible and "Time is No More" mourn the destructive, irreparable effects of war. The album ends with "We Remain," a powerful anthem that reinforces permanence in the wake of destruction in art, love, and hope.

Besides being an album, "In Black and White" is more like a sonic diary of survival. VGmates are good with this balance between grief and resilience; they will achieve much in a song by telling it and by making each note and each lyric, filling every moment with anguish and defiance. For those looking for music that inspires, challenges, and lasts even after the last note has faded, this is a must-listen.

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